The Vic, Ossett

You cant have too much of a good thing. Who knew we’d be back at The Vic so Quick?

When the regulars that didn’t attend on the previous gig heard that we’d been, and saw us on the Facebook page they demanded that we went back. So only 3 weeks on and we turned up again like bad pennies and did a couple more sets. Unfortunately due to licensing law we were only able to play until 9pm. So that we were able to do two full sets we had a 5min break ( just enough time to have a pee) and went straight back on. Some faces from last time Ian Farrar being one. Some spectacular #startthechainsaw dancing and good to see some well polished Doc’s.

We really like this little pub, not big enough for us inside but the weather was really kind and we all stuck our Harringtons on for the last 20 mins.

Keep an eye out on our gigs page

We have new Merch coming soon

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