3 Monkeys, Skegness Scooter Weekend

1 member down tonight due to illness the band took to the new stage to a packed room. Full of Scooter boys and a few Rude boys to boot.


We’re back again in the Summer, so make sure you stick it in your diary.

Staincross WMC

Our second visit to Staincross and what a nice club. A great place to play with a really welcoming audience.

Just about to sound check.
Sound check, before we tape the cables down.

Hopefully see you guys next year.

The Lupset, Wakefield.

Easter weekend was a busy one. Our second gig of the weekend was at The Lupset. Despite the cold wind, the audience stayed and danced the afternoon away.

Unfortunately our stage looked like the local tip and got worse as the day went on.

Firstly thanks to Adam for jumping in on the Pots & Pans.

Adam conspicuous by his absence

A massive Thanks to ‘Our Colin’ for standing in on Lead vocals who did a terrific job.

We’re back in again August Bank Holiday so pop it in your diary.

We performed at Guy and Angie’s wedding last night and what a lovely couple they are.

Guy & Angie

The floor was full all night and from the comments the guests loved it.

It’s always nice to be part of of someone’s Special day.

Here’s to the very happy couple.

Batley & Birstall RAFA Club

A fantastic night to a packed room. The dance floor was filled all night long and some terrific feedback from the management.

Sounds like we’re going back there in the near future.

#ska #2Tone #batley #rudeboy #scooerboy

Venue 23 10th Feb

It was a meeting of the genres at Venue 23 Wakefield.

Supported by Sharp Class and playing to an audience of almost 300 we kept them on the floor all afternoon.

Huge thanks to the Sound tech crew who made us sound great getting us up and running in just 15 mins.

We must have impressed the management as we were booked again in June before we left.

Search ticket source to book.

Black Horse Wakefield

Terrific gig on Saturday. Pumping crowd where we went down a storm. Thanks to Mark for depping on Sax.

We were rebooked for another visit before we finished the set. Sorry we interrupted the boxing, but most didn’t seem to mind.

Thanks to Lucy for the artwork

See u soon

Brid 2023

We had a storming time at Brid. A bit hectic with two gigs in one day due to an establishment changing hands and a mix up with the booking. A logistical nightmare moving the PA around but we certainly didn’t disappoint.

We’re all getting a bit old to carry this stuff around 🤣🤣


Martin House

Some of the band had the honour and privilege to play for the residents and families of Martin House Hospice.

Due to an evening commitment we were only able to open the show and did so with the help of the wonderful Claire on Sax. A short set but wonderfully received.

There is nothing better for a musician than seeing people thoroughly enjoying themselves with total abandon.

The theme was ‘Hawaiian’ which was a shock to our system as were usually black and white but we embraced the day and threw ourselves into it.

We have no hesitation in volunteering our services next year.

Cazz Fest

What can we say!? The best bit of self indulgence we’ve ever been involved with.

We had an absolute ball playing 2 sets without a break, but the ‘crowd’ were fantastic.

Caroline (Cazz) seemed to have a fabulous time and let’s hope that it becomes an annual event.

And thanks for the pies… they were delicious for breakfast 😂👍

Cazz Fest
Claire on a photobomb

Wakefields got Ska

The first of many. An epic launch of the new Wakefields got Ska at Venue 23.

The Legend Rhoda Dakar took the stage with us. We played a tribute to her early career in the Bodysnatchers with Do Rock Steady and she complemented us on the arrangement and performance.

Overall a brilliant night and blinding success.

A Happy anniversary to Forsyth & Shell

Castleford Tigers

Into the FanZone on such a small stage, but what an audience. They weren’t all totally au fait with skankin’ but boy did they do some dancing.

Unfortunately the Tigers didn’t do that well, but we did pick up some terrific feedback

Bell Isle Working Mens Club

A total sell out and what an audience. The floor was filled all night long, the staff were amazing. Lex did his FIRST solo gig and was a terrific hit and it was our first time with a noise system.

Hope we get an invite back soon.

***UPDATE*** We’re invited back 8th December. Make sure you get your ticket early…

March of the Mods

The band were pretty stoked to be playing at the famous Band on the Wall, Manchester.

One of our best gigs so far, a packed out crowd sang and skanked the whole set. If asked we’d have been happy to play another set.

Despite being so badly let down by our singer Roger the show went on and Paul Mcneill stood in and took front of stage. He did a great job and we felt really appreciated.

Thanks to Tony Kennedy for asking us to play, at last count we had helped to raise more tham £23,000.

Our New Line up for 2023

We welcome some new faces to the band.

Forsyth joins us on Bass,Forsyth

Godwin joins us on keys Godwin

Billy joins us on lead Guitar Billy

We’re busy using our small hiatus to put together a new set.

RachelRachel our manager has been working hard putting some terrific gigs together for 2023 including A fantastic support gig for Bad Manners at Tickles in Bradford. 2 appearances at the National YSA scooter rally in Bridlington. A first time appearance at March of the Mods in Manchester in aid of The Teenage Cancer Trust. Once again we are appearing at Castleford Tigers entertaining a pretty decent size crowd.

Balancos , YSA National Rally

On our way to Bridilington we were contacted by a venue in Manchester offering us a gig that night. Obviously we had to turn them down.

We arrived in Brid with virtually no where to park, and eventually managed to rope in some regulars to help ferry the kit into the bar whilst double parked.

Off to town for some fish and chips and back to set up.

It was standing room only but the stage area was pretty roomy for a pub.

The couple of new numbers added to our new set including Pressure drop and Baggy Trousers went down a storm, so much so that we had to play Baggy Trousers as an encore again.

The staff were fantastic and looked after us really well. The audience were top notch and what dance floor that there was, was full all night long.

Quite a long second set meant that we played on a good deal after our finish time, but if people are enjoying themselves and we are not going to get the landlord in trouble we are happy to entertain.

We are booked in next year, but watch this space as we may have an appearance in the summer too.

Mainline Club, Pudsey

A smaller audience than we are used to, but no less appreciative. A slightly strange night for the band as we have never played between bouts of bingo before, but nevertheless we had a cracking evening.

A really nice layout and a great sized stage that allowed us to spread out a little.

Due to illness ( Covid) we had to call in some last minute deps so Nigel (Bass) and Ollie (Sound) stepped up with just 4 hours notice. Also had to find some last minute PA kit but despite our setbacks the audience showered us with praise.

A great club, to which we look forward to a repeat invite.

The Vic, Ossett

Big up to Tanya and Dean for taking such a risk. Its hard for a smaller Pub to turn a profit on booking a band sometimes, depending on your area. They took a chance, added a fantastic BBQ and it was a fantastic day.

The pub was packed to the ginnels, but with loads of room in the car park for dancing and plenty of fresh air, it was a brilliant venue.

The band had a fantastic day and we could tell that the audience did too. Our first time out with a new set and it went down a storm.

We’ve already received another booking for a few weeks time as there were a lot of regulars that couldn’t make it and don’t want to be disappointed.

See you guys soon…

Caroline St Saltaire

A last minute booking that turned out to be a fantastic night. A very nice club with excellent facilities where we played to a capacity audience. Dancing was a little difficult due to the amount of people, but clearly not impossible.

4 encores showed that we obviously went down a storm.

Lest hope we see you again next year.

The Vic, Ossett

You cant have too much of a good thing. Who knew we’d be back at The Vic so Quick?

When the regulars that didn’t attend on the previous gig heard that we’d been, and saw us on the Facebook page they demanded that we went back. So only 3 weeks on and we turned up again like bad pennies and did a couple more sets. Unfortunately due to licensing law we were only able to play until 9pm. So that we were able to do two full sets we had a 5min break ( just enough time to have a pee) and went straight back on. Some faces from last time Ian Farrar being one. Some spectacular #startthechainsaw dancing and good to see some well polished Doc’s.

We really like this little pub, not big enough for us inside but the weather was really kind and we all stuck our Harringtons on for the last 20 mins.

Keep an eye out on our gigs page

We have new Merch coming soon

Caroline St, Saltaire

As part of #Saltaire festival we were invited to headline at Caroline St Club.

The club itself is a great venue, very well presented and a great stage with plenty of amenities. Normally as a 9 piece we are short of space on stage, but not here!!

We struggled to leave as we ended up doing 4 encores. Not something we normally do but the dancers were superb and there wasn’t a single chart without at least half the audience on the floor.

Thanks to Eddie for stepping in at the last minute on Bass. This young lad is a bit of a genius and seems to have no end of talent. Unfortunately Daz our Bass Player damaged his arm and is out for a few weeks. Looking forward to having him back but Eddie is pretty capable of keeping his seat warm.

The photos tell their own story and you can hear some of our stuff over on our 2 tone project #facebook page.

I’m sure we will be back there next year.

The Vic, Ossett

Dave the Sax lives over the road, so it was inevitable that we were going to play here at some point. Strangely it was due to us playing a charity festival and the band giving their time to help raise £6500 for a childrens cancer charity that took us down the motorway to Wakefield.

Pubs have had a rough old time the last 2-3 years and we are doing what we can to help them get back on their feet by offering a reduced fee for a first booking. This little diamond in the rough was an absolute gem.

The BBQ smelled amazing and the audience were terrific as were the hosts. The dance floor was packed from the first tune and there were plenty of Mods and Rude boys about. Some of us saw the old chestnut dance of #startingthechainsaw which went down a storm. Unfortunately one of the main dancers pulled a muscle and ended up in hospital, so we hope he’s better for Brid. A new number #Little Bitch saw its first outing at the end of the first set and seemed to go down well.

We hope they covered their costs and hope that we get an invite back there next year.

All the best Ossett

Box Sportsbar Manchester

We took a trip out of Yorkshire and found our way to Manchester City Centre in rush hour with no where to park.

When we got to the bar, there was a match on which was not something we wanted to get in the way of so set up took a little longer than normal.

Unfortunately Iron Man Rich our trumpet player couldnt make it, so Mark Archibald stepped in for him and did a fabulous job. Mark is joining us again in Bridlington in October so if you want to hear his dulcet tones come find us in Balancos on 29th October.

When we go on stage at 21:00 it was electric, we were not their normal type of act and the crowd absolutely loved something different. The floor was steaming all night and it was such a great vibe. The bar is wall to wall TV’s and we were on upstairs too where we discovered that half the bar upstairs was dancing too.

We had a fantastic night and pretty sure we are going to be booked again before the end of the year.

See you soon Manchester

Tickles Bradford

The band saw a return to Tickles with over 200 tickets sold on the websites. Unfortunately The Queen had passed away only a coule of days previously and following a discussion with the management team at Tickles we decided to continue with the event. Having a few military people in the band we were able to give a fitting tribute to the Queen with a Last Post & Reveille, followed by a rousing rendition of God Save the King.

It was fitting that we had a number of ex forces there that evening with some 14th/20th King’s Hussars, King’s Royal Hussars and 4th/7th Dragoon Guards. There may have been others but they didnt make themselves known to us.

We did two cracking sets and introduced 3 new numbers that we had been working on for a little while. Log onto our facebook page and you will be able to hear them

The Domino Club

OMG what a night!!!

Did we smash it at the Domino Club or what????? Being an underground club it is pretty hard to find and most of the band walked past it a couple of times before the super friendly bouncers dragged us in off the street.

We had two amazing sets, the first a little subdued for us as we weren’t sure how we would go down with a more somber audience, but we quickly got the lay of the land and changed the second set up and literally skanked and stomped the place into the floor. A pretty late finish but we came off stage buzzing. Hats off to the sound guy Elliott who was excellent. And a really good support act got the audience in the mood.

This is one we will look forward to being invited back to and next time two full scale nuclear attack sets.

Methley Fields Fest

A wonderful sunny day saw the band helping the Give a Duck childrens cancer charity to raise £6500. Andy Lumb jumped in to the Big Shoes of Rich Hall on Trumpet and we had them dancing in the streets. Playing to a pretty packed crowd who are more used to listening to rock and folk we seemed to be a pretty pleasant surprise. The band has a ‘pay it forward’ attitude and it was our pleasure to support this amazing charity.

Check out our YouTube Channel for a few videos and perhaps we will see you there next year?


Daz the Bone is ex forces and all military charities are close to his heart. When we were asked to help The Golden Lion Pudsey who were holding their annual festival in aid of Battle Buddy he was all in. Unfortunately the short notice (14 hours to be exact) meant that we couldn’t put out a full compliment and were missing Dave the Sax and Ironman Rich. We still managed a pretty decent 45 min set and had a few up on the virtual dance floor. It was straight after a real heavy couple of sets at The Irish Centre the night before. We had to pack down in quick time as we were then off for another 2 sets at Featherstone SC fundraiser for one of their members who is ill.

Thanks to the sound guys who did a sterling job.

The Irish Centre Leeds

This was our first self promoted event. We were told to expect around 100 people as we are a relatively new band and that’s were we set our bar. We actually had over 250 and what a night, luckily they were able to give us the rest of the room and open a second bar.

It was fantastic to see some friends and and family up on the floor enjoying themselves. The audience was so receptive, some never sat down and danced to every number.

It was certainly one of our best nights yet and one we will be looking to repeat in the near future.

Willow Fest

2RRF were amazing hosts for this fantastic night. We literally rocked the stage which seemed to bounce around the field. Pete (theSound) did a great job and we finished the night playing in the dark. The audience were amazing, and seemed to thoroughly enjoy the night.

Here’s looking forward to an invite back next year.

Yarnbury Beer Festival

The guys in the band are all about ‘giving when you can’. We have elected to perform at at least 4 charity functions each year. We aim to help raise money for some really good causes and this one was for the Air Ambulance. They require almost £12,000 per day to keep two helicopters in the air.

The bands that perform at this festival are normally Folk/Rock/Indie so when The 2 Tone Project hit the stage the crowd were a little taken back. All our numbers are foot tappers at the least and we managed to drag quite a few onto the dancefloor.

The feedback from the audience was fantastic and they have already asked us back. So if you missed us, you know where to go Next year.


Has to go down as one of the best audiences we’ve entertained in ages. 3-400 people ( it was hard to tell as they never stood still). A short set because the festival over ran a little, but a great set non the less.

We had em’ skankin in the marquee, skankin in the street and skankin inside the pub. A great last minute step in as headline act.

We are secretly looking forward to it next year…

The Shoulder of Mutton, Mirfield

A great place for us to play, but unfortunately the weather wasn’t on our side and decimated our audience just before the break. A mad half hour fitting the sides to the marquee kept us dry for the second set. Not withstanding the rain, the second set still filled the dance floor with some of our more ardent fans.

Our ‘face from the crowd’ competition winner from Platform 3 – Dewsbury was in the crowd so we must be doing something right.

See you all at the next one and dont forget to check out our Facebook and Instagram Pages

The Shoulder of Mutton, Mirfield

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